Fertility Monitor Breakdown: Which one’s for you?

In my recent Resilient Fertility Podcast episode ​"17. Conceiving doesn’t have to be a struggle- Katherine’s Resilient Motherhood Success Story"​, my client Katherine shared an important factor that may have been unnecessarily delaying her conception efforts the first time around.

Shared about how she was using OPKs (or ovulation predictor kits, also known as LH strips) to predict her ovulation and thus inform her conception efforts.

The Problem with Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs) and LH strips

If you’re peeing on an OPK strip around day 14 and expecting to conceive and you can’t figure out why you’re still not pregnant, I have something to tell you!

Here's the problem,

  1. You don’t always ovulate around day 14 (more on that in my FREE masterclass!)

  2. The OPKs only “predicts” ovulation

  3. You didn’t confirm that you ovulated (keep reading to learn how)

This means that relying solely on an OPK or LH strips to time your conception efforts may not be enough to effectively pinpoint the best time to “do the deed” and “try” to conceive (TTC)!

You, see it’s in the name, OPK’s can only “predict” ovulation by indicating if LH levels are high (LH- leutenizing hormone- is a hormone that peaks right before ovulation!) BUT here’s the kicker…

MANY women may experience multiple LH surges that can be DAYS apart!

​One study ​assessing 107 normally fertile women found that up to 41% of women may experience 2 or more LH surges before actually ovulating!

And if you have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) or irregular cycles, you may even be more likely to have multiple LH surges without ovulation!

So if you’re not…

  1. Trying in your fertile window and

  2. Confirming that you’ve ovulated

You may be completely missing your opportunity to conceive this cycle!

Learn how to identify your fertile window in my free masterclass!

Not only can it be frustrating to have to keep trying cycle after cycle but it may be giving you false hope when you may not even be in your fertile window!

But don’t worry- for MOST women, there's a way you can track your fertility signs OR your DAILY hormone levels to give you clear indication about whether or not you’ve ovulated yet.

Finding the Fertility Monitor that’s right for you

You may have perused the options of different fertility trackers on the market and started wondering, “which fertility tracker is right for me?”

Or maybe you’re wondering, “should I be tracking my hormones or is it enough to follow the fertility awareness method to optimize my chances of conception?”

In this post I’m going to compare my top two favorite fertility monitors, the Tempdrop and the Inito, and help you figure out which one is better for you.

But first, if you’re wondering if you should be doing digital or handwritten or if you want to hear my take on some additional fertility monitors, I have a whole lesson called “Tools for Fertility Awareness Tracking” in my Resilient Motherhood preconception preparation course dedicated to answering the pros and cons to each!

Tempdrop or Inito:

Pros and cons

What is the Tempdrop?

The Tempdrop fertility monitor is an armband that uses a sensor to measure your basal body temperature (BBT) while you sleep, giving you the most accurate reading since it registers your BBT after your longest stretch of sleep.

You can then use this data to draw conclusions about whether or not you’ve ovulated which is important if you are using the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) as a natural birth control option or if you are using FAM to time conception.

Read more here about Why tracking Basal Body Temperature can optimize your TTC Journey

How to use the Tempdrop

Using the Tempdrop is SUPER straightforward.

  1. Wear before sleep: Turn on the sensor, slide the armband onto your arm with the sensor on the inside of your arm, pointing down.

  2. Sync Whenever: The sensor automatically turns off after you take it off and you can sync it with the free Tempdrop smartphone app.

  3. Add your fertility signs/symptoms to the app: In addition to measuring your BBT, you can track cervical mucus patterns, menstrual period patterns, mood, symptoms, intercourse and make other relevant notes.

  4. Get results: Your fertility data is automatically charted on the app and you have the option to have your results interpreted by the Tempdrop app’s algorithm or to toggle it to manual and do your own interpretations

Tempdrop Pros

  • Convenient and easy to use (see above)

  • HSA/FSA eligible

  • Improved storage capacity: The NEW Tempdrop 2 now has 60 hours of storage capacity which means you can store nearly a week’s worth of data before syncing! The Tempdrop 1 requires syncing after 2 nights of use.

  • Doesn't require as much planning or know-how as handwritten options

  • Doesn’t require in-depth fertility awareness training (though it helps to better understand your charts if you do!)

  • The app can connect the dots for you and automatically chart your data

  • Suitable for irregular cycles, Postpartum fertility awareness, PCOS and/or changing sleeping patterns

  • FDA registered as a hormone-free birth control option

  • Full access to your data with the ability to download

  • Gives you the freedom to integrate with other fertility apps

  • Optional accidental damage insurance, and one year return guarantee

  • Combines patented Active Temperature-Noise Cancellation filtering and learning algorithms

  • Excellent customer service and extensive manufacturer’s warranty

  • Operated with a standard long lasting coin cell battery

  • Lightning-fast syncing for seamless data transfer

  • Tempdrop 2 now has automatic firmware updates to keep you on the cutting edge with no effort required!

  • Tempdrop 2 now has enhanced comfort with improved armband design

Tempdrop Cons

  • More expensive than a drugstore thermometer (but worth it in my opinion!)

  • Requires less attunement to your own body

  • Skin under armband may get itchy- I recommend switching the arm you’re using every couple of days to give it a break or taking spacing out a day of measuring (for example, it’s not essential that you measure BBT during your period so I often don’t use it during my period)

  • Tempdrop 1’s battery change was a little tedious- but Tempdrop 2 now has a redesigned battery compartment for effortless battery changes

  • Tempdrop 1 required syncing after 2 nights of use, but Tempdrop 2 now has expanded storage capacity for up to 60 hours of recording time between syncs

  • Requires consistency for best results

Who is Tempdrop best for?

The Tempdrop fertility monitor is best for women who are preparing for pregnancy or interested in using the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) for natural birth control, or simply to become more body literate and want to optimize their health.

It is more likely to be financially worth it considering the long-term use you’ll get out of it and is easier to stay consistent with using over the long-term.

Though it can still be helpful for women without hormonal irregularities, it can be especially helpful to inform areas of improvement for women with irregular cycles, long cycles, short cycles, PCOS, short luteal phases, or recurrent miscarriages (something I’d be pleased to guide you through in my course Resilient Motherhood) and is also helpful for women who may experience interrupted sleep (due to children, pets, or otherwise).

What is Inito?

The Inito Fertility Monitor is a hormone tracking device that pairs with the free smartphone app to sync your hormone readings onto a chart and indicates whether or not it's a good time to try to conceive (or abstain if you’re trying to avoid pregnancy).

Here’s how using Inito works:

  1. You pee on a test strip in the morning as soon as you wake up.

  2. You attach the monitor up to your phone.

  3. Insert the test strip into the monitor then wait 10 minutes until you get your reading. That's it!

Once your hormone levels are automatically added to your fertility chart, you can see if you’re close to ovulation and if you should start trying to conceive!

Inito pros

What I like about the Inito fertility monitor is that it measures 4 fertility hormones including FSH, LH and estrogen to assess your pre-ovulatory hormone health AND post-ovulatory progesterone levels, so you can both predict AND confirm you’ve ovulated- all in one tool (No more pairing OPKs with BBT tracking).

  • HSA/FSA eligible

  • FDA registered

  • Connects to your smartphone

  • Measures Estrogen and Luteinizing Hormone levels to predict your fertile days, and Progesterone(PdG1) to confirm ovulation.

  • Good for PCOS, women with prior fertility challenges or over age 35

Inito cons

  • Expensive for long term use: The test strips are a bit on the pricey side- a pack of 15 test strips costs $50 at the time of this writing. Because of this I usually only recommend the Inito for women who need more hormone data than what the Tempdrop can provide.

  • If you change your phone, you’ll have to get a new device: When you order, you have to share the type of phone you have and Inito will send you the right device that’s compatible with your phone.

  • Not as accurate as FAM at predicting your fertile period: I once was using the Inito monitor and was given the feedback after syncing my test strip “Low Fertility” when I had just observed cervical mucus that morning (an obvious sign of being in my fertile window).

  • Requires consistency for best results

  • Must be done after first morning urine every day and requires 10 minutes to sync: Plan to dedicate 15 minutes every morning to using this method.

Who is Inito best for?

Motivated, Concerned and Actively TTC

If you have been trying to conceive for a while (self-percieved) without success, have experienced prior fertility challenges and/or pregnancy loss, or you have irregular cycles and/or PCOS and you’ve already been using FAM without success, then Inito may be a good monitor for you.

Having more hormone data pre-ovulation and post-ovulation can better indicate where in your cycle you need to make improvements with the help of a qualified practitioner (like me! Learn more about my approach here) or when to time your conception efforts.

The price and time it takes to use this monitor requires a certain level of commitment that usually if you’re experiencing the above-mentioned signs and symptoms, you’ll have the motivation and discipline to stay consistent with it.

So if you want to get clarity about your fertility hormones so you can get pregnant without having to keep blindly “trying” every day and the time/money investment is worth it to you, then the Inito monitor is for you.

If you purchase between now and May 15th, Inito is offering their mother’s day Resilience sale and you can get yours for only $99 with my link!

If you’re seeing this afterwards and still want to get 15% off the Inito Fertility Monitor- use this link and/or my code ANISA15

Ready to embrace your body's wisdom and take charge of your fertility journey?

I invite you to enroll in my comprehensive online course and private coaching program – Resilient Motherhood.

In Resilient Motherhood, you'll receive expert guidance on improving hormone balance, overcoming nutritional deficiencies, and optimizing your fertility for an easeful conception. The program is designed to support you in restoring from prior pregnancies, chronic hormonal birth control use, or a nutrient-depleted lifestyle.

Embrace your power within and let go of stress with mindset-shifting tools, giving you the confidence and joy you deserve on your path to motherhood.

Together, we'll unlock the doors to a resilient and thriving motherhood journey.

Are you ready to take the leap towards natural fertility solutions and unlock your full potential for conception success?

Enroll in Resilient Motherhood today and embark on a transformative journey towards motherhood!


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