Weaving intuition, traditional wisdom and science to nourish your journey to motherhood and beyond

I won’t empower you.

I’m here to guide you to take back your power on your fertility journey with tailored, holistic nutrition and lifestyle support for every stage of your motherhood transition— serving women virtually, from the Seattle Eastside.

Virtual nutrition coaching and courses

  • 1:1 Online Coaching

    Personalized nutrition support, functional testing, and meal planning to serve you at every stage of your motherhood transition:

    • Hormone balancing

    • Fertility/pregnancy preparation

    • Pregnancy nutrition

    • Postpartum and breastfeeding nutrition

  • Prepare for pregnancy

    Don't let confusion and overwhelm hold you back from achieving your dream of starting a family.

    Let me provide you with the strategies and support you need to optimize your fertility and increase your chances of welcoming your healthy baby home.

  • Try my meal plans

    Whether you’re seeking hormone vitality, improved fertility, freedom from pregnancy symptoms, or need ideas for postpartum planning, I’ve got you covered with delcious meal plans, complete with shopping lists and recipes to get you started!

Did you know many choices you and your husband make in the months leading up to conception have a direct impact on your health and the health of your baby?

What you both eat and drink, any medications you take, how you previously managed birth control, the amount and kind of exercise and sleep you each get, whether you are managing a chronic disease or stress – the list is long and incredibly important.

You’re in the right place if you:

  • Feel like conventional cookie-cutter diets are getting you nowhere and you are ready to make peace with food

  • Want to understand how to truly balance your hormones without relying on “pharmaceutical bandaids”

  • Have painful, light, heavy, or irregular periods and know you deserve to THRIVE all-cycle-long

  • Have taken hormonal birth control for longer than a year and want to learn how to restore and manage your fertility naturally- for birth control or to optimally time conception

  • Have a desire to conceive naturally within the next year or two

  • Or are seeking holistic nutrition support for your pregnancy or in preparation for your postpartum experience

Optimal fertility means optimal health.

As a holistic, animal-based nutritionist, I use insights from nature to help you work with your body instead of against it

Whether you want to achieve hormonal vitality or you want to prepare for motherhood and get pregnant naturally (whenever you’re ready), I want to help you get back in the driver’s seat when it comes to your health.

Our conventional “healthcare” system has stolen women’s health for too long.

Teenage girls are given birth control like candy, encouraged to work up the corporate ladder throughout their peak fertile years then be faced with the reality that they have the same irregular periods they had as a teenager (if they even come back!), but with resulting digestive complications, mood imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and infertility as a result!

I hear this story day in and day out from my clients and, every time, it fuels my passion and sense of responsibility to educate every girl and woman about the innate power of her body and to guide her back to a place of true vitality.

Hi, I’m Anisa Woodall.

I’m a holistically-minded, Certified Nutritionist and natural mama

whose life’s purpose is to inspire and educate women to live, eat and move with intention and confidence so they can create the family of their dreams.

Inspiring Women to Achieve Resilient Motherhood since 2015

Upon entering clinical practice as a holistic Certified Nutritionist in 2015, I gained a profound understanding of the unique challenges women face when starting a family. I've witnessed many of my clients experience prior fertility challenges and pregnancy complications, dying to find a better way to becoming a mother.

I enriched my personal and professional knowledge, and applied my findings to my own life and with my nutrition clients.

Through my experience, I learned that women’s bodies are WISE and what is often labeled as pathology is actually your body trying to communicate an important need by way of symptoms.

Armed with this extensive knowledge, inner connection, and trust in my intuition, I confidently embarked on my own conception and pregnancy journeys, successfully delivering healthy, strong, and resilient babies at home, whom I’ve joyfully breastfed full-term. And the differences you’ll notice between them and their peers are staggering.

And I want the same for you!

You deserve to work with someone who has been where you want to go.

Do you dream of…

  • Freedom from hormonal symptoms

  • An easeful natural conception

  • A healthy pregnancy

  • A successful breast-feeding relationship

  • AND a healthy baby to love and to hold?

When I think back to the time when I was eating a vegetarian diet and struggled with my hormones: I experienced debilitating period pain, massive sugar cravings, draining fatigue, non-existent libido, and so much more (as a teenager!).

Now, I am more fertile and healthy in my 30s than I was as a teenager, and you can be too.

I know just how frustrating the symptoms of hormone imbalances can be! And when you desperately want a child, those feelings can be compounded!

Through putting my own Resilient Motherhood strategies into practice, I learned how to weave intuition, nature’s laws and my understanding of female physiology to optimize my fertility and that of my clients.

And I’m ready to share all my secrets with you.

You CAN reverse your aging fertility NATURALLY (to some extent)

I’ve laid it all out in a step-by-step approach for you to optimize your fertility, extend your reproductive longevity, achieve ideal pregnancy outcomes and enter into motherhood with confidence.

As featured in…

Every day, I help women take back their health.


  • How to listen to your intuitive voice and rebuild your relationship with food

  • How to use real-food to improve your energy, normalize your periods and fuel the life you want to live

  • The ins and outs of your menstrual cycle; using it to your advantage to optimize your chances of conception

  • How to prepare your body for a healthy baby, pregnancy and birth while preserving your health and well-being along the way

Nutrition and Wellness
Coaching throughout the motherhood transition

Let’s collaborate to nourish the next generation

Whether you’re working to balance your hormones, preparing to get pregnant one day, already trying to conceive, nourishing a pregnancy or planning a blissful postpartum, I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Recent Blog posts


Reconnect with your innate wisdom

The Resilient Fertility Podcast is a space where we explore the intersection of food and culture on the journey to motherhood. I’m Anisa Woodall, a holistic Certified Nutritionist and mother of two adventurous boys.

Join me as I guide you on how to awaken to your innate wisdom, develop a growth mindset and harness the power of food and habit to embody the mother of your child needs you to be. Tune in for valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your fertility, optimize your pregnancy from a functional fertility perspective, and learn how you can reconnect to your power on YOUR journey to motherhood.

Recent Podcast Episodes

Follow to learn more about how you can optimize your fertility